There are several online marketing techniques that can bring more customers to your website.
Improving Search engine ranking is important as search engines are the primary method that users use to find your website.
When using search engines users are shown search results and adverts. These adverts are usually at the top and side of the search results are called Pay Per Click adverts / campaigns. They advertise businesses and services and bring new customers to specific pages on their websites. These are best used to get users to go to a product page on your ecommerce website to try to entice customer to purchase products.
Social media is not just for personal use! You can use setup business pages on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc and advertise services or products. You can create links that bring potential customer back to your website.
If you have a database of customers, we can send them promotional emails advertising or informing your customers about new products and services or discounts you offer. We use bulk email sending applications like MailChimp to send email to large or small customer email databases.
Banner advertising is also another way to get potential customers to your website. We can create new banner adverts and request other websites to display them with links to your website.
Google owns YouTube and is now ranking websites higher that publish video content on their own websites and YouTube channels. We can use this as an additional channel to get additional YouTube users and channel them to your website.
We can help you with these areas, please click on the links below for more information.
If you would like to discuss your online marketing needs, please send us some information about your requirements using our contact form.
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Online Marketing Services